improve / modify input data and the list of variables covered by the final output DF (MR !15)
- the input data frames were not complete- e.g. some laboratory analyses had to be done, weather data added- and were not read in completely (some columns were ignored until now)
- input files were cleaned and missing information added
- These input dataframes are now complete (measCamp_field-data_withoutnotes.csv
- new data added to read_raw_data input, namely:
- vegetation max height of shrub, grass, peat, (other) moss
- vegetation cover of grass, peat, moss, shrub, lichen
- green canopy cover
- active layer depth
- sky condition (overcast, mostly cloudy, partly cloudy, sunny)
- precipitation (rain, snow, hail)
- precipitation in mm (total amount of precipitation during that measurement period)
- wind speed in m/s (usually for half a day)
- wind gusts in m/s (not used for now, maybe needed later)
- wind direction
- air temperature in degrees C
- weather data '(maybe from ICOS)
- NOTE: the soil nutrient data will be added post-processing because it is only sporadic and doesn't correspond with the measurement times
- data is added to the final dataframe in create_meas_period_metadata_df and later combined with the output from the goFlux calculation in combine_all_data_and_meta_data
- runs for measCamp 202305, 202309, 202406, 202407, 202408
- 202209, 202306 and 202307 can only be tested once MR !11 is done
- test again after including changes for measCamp 202209, 202306 and 202307 (data will be read in differently for first two)
Closes #12 (closed)
Edited by Jan Engel