enable processing CH4 data and add CH4 specific data-filter (MR !6)
enable processing CH4 data and add CH4 specific data-filter (MR !6 (merged))
Following filters can be (more or less) copy-pasted from N2O filter script:
- function 01: min and max length of measurement period
- function 02: remove data points (DF rows) at start and end of measurement period
- (start and end): maximum rows of mp = 180 (chamber closure time 3 min), without absolute time
- functions 08-12 are a copy of the N2O version functions
- 08 set unreasonable values of soil temperature to NA
- 09 set unreasonable values of "VWC soil 12 cm" to NA (volumetric water content at 12 cm depth)
- 10 set unreasonable values of "VWC soil 30 cm" to NA (volumetric water content at 30 cm depth)
- 11 set PAR negative values to zero, and unreasonably high values to NA
- 12 test for negative air temperatures in the chamber ('chamberTdegC')
NEW filters:
- function 03: difference between start and end of mp has to be at least 3 ppb, otherwise invalid mp
- function 04: if start (min) and end (max) are > 1000 ppb = bubble, flag as bubble (if possible)
- add a new column (0 = no bubble, 1 = bubble)
- flag in metaData DF:
measPeriodMetaDataDF$detected_ch4_gas_bubble = 1
- additional option: set mp as invalid
- with N2O the script runs for all 2023 meas camp
- with CH4 the "Data pre-processing" runs for all 2023 meas camp
Closes #16 (closed)
Edited by Jan Engel