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combine "repeated mp of same plot" of measCamp 202305 (MR !5)

Jan Engel requested to merge feature/combine-repeated-mp-of-mc-202305 into main
  • in measCamp 202305 each plot was sampled two times for 5 min with "light" and "dark"
    • i.e., two mp identical in both "plot_no" and "light_dark" listed in the DF directly one after the other
  • add new file preprocessing/functions/combine_repeated_mp_of_mc_202305.R that contains the new code
    • this file is sourced in functions/combine_all_data_and_meta_data.R
    • the DF goflux_data_metadata_df is modified, no new DF is created
    • the modified DF is saved to file containg the additional string mp_combined
      • e.g.: 20240303_201302__goflux_n2o_data_metadata_corrected_mp_combined__mc_202305.csv
  • each of these "pair of mp" may be tested for their difference in n2o_nmolm2sec1
  • if the difference is larger than a certain threshold the average (mean()) values may be calculated
    • replace the value of one mp with this average
    • remove the other mp
  • if the difference is lower than the threshold then this "pair of mp" is not modified
  • the differences is determined by dividing the "larger values" by the "smaller value"
    • the result is compared to the variable maxPropDiff, i.e., maximum proportional difference
    • maxPropDiff is defined in combine_repeated_mp_of_mc_202305.R
  • tested with a DF that contains only measCamp 202305: works

Closes #14 (closed)

Edited by Jan Engel

Merge request reports