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"implement option and code for running a sensitivity analysis of N2O GC simulations (MR !12)


  • we need simulations with quasi-randomised selection of sampling times, i.e., plusminus 30 sec around pre-selected sample times
  • this may help providing an estimate on uncertainties associated with the GC simulation

solution and changes

  • add new parameter and options to preprocessing/additional_info/simulate_gc_n2o_data.txt
    • simGCsampleTimeSensiAnDefSec - default sample times for sensitivity analysis
    • modifySimGCsampleTimeSec - the range in seconds the default sample times simGCsampleTimeSensiAnDefSec can be modified
  • add to preprocessing/run_all_main.R the new option simulateGCdataSensiAn
    • to run sensitivity analysis for "using the PGA data to simulate GC data"
  • in preprocessing/run_all_main.R the new var randMod_simGCsampleTimeSensiAnDefSec is created holding the changes of the simGC sample times
    • this var is passed to the f_main_data_preprocessing() and used there in section "7. Sample N2O gas concentration data for GC simulation" if simulateGCdataSensiAn == "T"
  • in this section 7 if simulateGCdataSensiAn == "T":
    • the new simGC sample times are calculated and stored in the var simGCsampleTimeSensiAnModSec
      • this var is passed as argument to f_sample_gas_concentrations_for_gc_simulation_per_mp() where they are used for simGC calculations
    • a logfile is created and data is written to it, i.e., modifications of original sample times and the new sample times


  • for the sensitivity analysis the script needs to be run multiple times (manually) and the output data form the script need to be moved/stored & analysed manually
  • i.e., there is no script that does this automatically


  • preprocessing is running fine with meas campaign 202307
    • output and logfile show that the modified sample times are used

Closes #23 (closed)

Edited by Jan Engel

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